Elite athletes, weekend warriors, and regular Joe’s are finding muscle recovery and health benefits from drinking tart cherry juice. In previous blog posts, we’ve shown you the sleep benefits of tart cherry juice and the muscle recovery benefits of tart cherry juice.
Hopefully by now, you’ve tried our concentrate or cherry capsules for yourself. If you haven’t, now is the time! Our industry partners at www.choosecherries.com have started a 7 day tart cherry challenge. You can learn more about it by clicking this link, which contains incredible resources, recipes, and tips on how to consume the benefits of tart cherries.
We are convinced that if you drink tart cherry juice or pop a couple of our cherry capsules twice a day, you will start to feel the benefits of our wonderful super fruit within 7 days!
So give the 7 day tart cherry challenge a try. Let us know how it is going for you by leaving a comment below, or using the hashtag #runrecoverrepeat on your social media channels.